Thursday, July 30, 2009

Could it be......Satan?

So apparently I have not blogged in quite awhile, but something happened recently that made me want to get it out of my system. I was sitting at work on a day that I was by myself and it was a VERY slow day. All of the sudden, it was like Satan was right there. sitting beside me tempting me like I have not been tempted in quite awhile. Just like Christ and God can whisper to me at times, Satan was screaming at me. Just daring me to go through with it. It was terrifying. I have never been so aware of his presence before and it was shocking. I was able to make it through that moment unscathed, but it was a jaw dropping experience. I can look back and see all of those times in my life where Satan must have been doing the exact same thing. The only difference I can see is that he had me in his grips to the point that I didn't notice or care that he was there. I guess that I must be doing better in my relationship with God than I thought I was because now I was so aware of the temptation and what it would do to me. And I didn't want to feel like I had in the past. Thank God for his love and forgiveness and the strength that he gives us to battle Satan. I thank God for allowing me to finally "see" what's been going on since the dawn of time. The daily war that is being waged for souls lost and dying and that I for once am not included in that category.


Jackie said...

I know I've asked before . . but have you read 'The Screwtape Letters'? Temptation is so seductive and great looking . . then at one point you get to see satan for what he really is . . .

Amy said...

Good for you, Jamie! I am really proud of your sharing this with us, and am grateful that you were able to withstand this temptation!