Thursday, August 24, 2006


I have become very aware of how much I judge people and place them in boxes that I think define them as of late. I would have to say that that is a pretty boring way to go through life and not the best way to really get to know my friends and family. Now 99.9% of the time i am learning that I am not as right as I think I am about people. But, there is always that .01%. Sometimes people can be the most annoying things. People in parking lots, grocery stores you name it can just make me want to scream (and I usually do). However, it's different when the person making you just want to run for the hills is someone you've known for quite sometime. My box I created for this person has been shattered. They are not who i thought they were at all. Funny that they would certainly say the same thing about me as of late. I tried to make it clear that we can't be a part of each other's lives right now. For the good of both of us (more so for them) Yet they repeatedly email and myspace me ( i love that myspace can be used as a verb -- how crazy is that?) I just don't know what to do. Right now I am ready to go nuclear and that would be the absolute worst thing i could do. So I am stuck. Do I reiterate that we CANNOT be part of each other's lives or do I cave? I feel pretty solid on my choice to not be a part of their life but I can't figure out how to make that clear without causing more pain. So for the moment, instead of making better choices like I have been trying to do these past 2 weeks, I am clamming up. Just like the old me. That makes me angry which puts us back at square one. Poo on humans.

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