Saturday, April 28, 2007


Well, my mom and I got back from Oklahoma City yesterday afternoon and boy is it good to be home. Was a long couple of days going back and forth from the hospital to the dr.'s office.
A couple of things came to my attention you could say these past few days. The finality of all of this is starting to sink in. I've always known that this point could come at some time or another (losing the fingers), but now that it is here i'm not as ready for it as I thought I was. I think that I am ok with losing the ring finger but I don't think I am ok with losing the middle one. I am having a hard time with that concept. However, it really is out of my hands (ha, pardon the pun). I won't know until I wake up in recovery if the middle one is gone or not. That is the part I am having a hard time with. But I am getting there slowly. Hopefully i'll get there before 6 a.m. next thursday.
Another thing. Here's a new concept to all of you. God answers prayers. Imagine that. I have been in prayer over a multitude of things these past few days and have been fortunate enough to witness the answers to those prayers. Safety in horrendous weather, answers to medical questions and many more. Simply, god is good.
One more. What would we do without family? I mean our real families and our church families? So many prayers that I don't even know of have been sent to heaven on my and my mother's behalf. And they have been a blessing. I would not be in a position to deal with this were it not for my family and friends. I don't think that my mother would be either. We are both blessed to be a part of the Pleasanton church and to be acquainted with such fine christian people.
Thursday morning next week is coming whether I am ready for it to or not. As I write this there are really weird things going through my mind. I'll type differently the next time I sit here. If I ever make a turkey at thanksgiving again, mine will be a little messed up. Will I be able to play tennis the same or will there be a major adjustment to be made? Lots of others are racing around in there as well but they are better left unsaid I guess.
I am not too sure how to end this except to say that I know that God will take care of me through this. He will. I have to believe that. And I know it.


Dana said...

So many things to say and yet, none of them sound right or enough. You have been in our prayers and will continue to be. You are right - God is good.

Darla said...

God is good.
Dana is right. There are so many feeling we have in your behalf and yet the words are difficult to come by.

You have a good attitude and that will be to your advantage. No one can blame you for being apprehensive.

You are in my prayers and my thoughts.

Jackie said...

Jamie, I had to tell you that you seem to be doing so well that I think it's encouraging to people. Your smile, your easy manner . . . well, let's just say that you are someone I have come to admire.

Think on that and shudder.