Monday, October 09, 2006

Guy Noir

I think that I am officially starting to get old. There are numerous signs that lead me to this conclusion. I cannot tolerate teenagers anymore. I think it's because they remind me of what a punk I was at that age. But nevertheless, they annoy me. Radio stations should just be destroyed along with all DJ's. I want to hear MUSIC when I tune to a station, not a commercial boasting that you play more music than any other station in the southern hemisphere. Where is it? Shut up and play some music. I have found myself listening to 88.3 a whole bunch lately. Yep, classical music. BUT there are hardly ANY interruptions. Just good music and no DJ telling me what he had for supper last night.
The biggest thing that has led me to this conclusion is Garrison Keillor's Prairie Home Companion. If you have never heard this program on NPR (National Public Radio) it is PHENOMENAL. I love it. Brent and I used to sit in the living room on tuesday nights and listen to the whole thing. It is very much like an old 1920's radio show. Different short plays, musical guests of all sorts and much more. Garrison is the host and I could listen to him talk for hours. The show is witty, smart and well written. Brent used to joke that we were like a bunch of old farmers sitting around the fire after plowing the fields all day. I haven't been able to listen to PHC since I have been back in Pleasanton because I could not find out what time and day it came on. Well this past Saturday I was headed home from the store and lo and behold there it was. I took a few detours and then sat in the driveway listening for about an hour. It put a huge smile on my face. I had forgotten how much I like it.
So Saturday nights at about 6 or & (I am not sure of the exact time it started) take a listen to 89.1 and check out Prairie Home Companion. I think you'll like it. And it sure beats most of the other junk on the radio these days.
I should have ended there but something else came to mind.
I don't really like american telvision much anymore. It's all the same. Doctors, lawyers, cops and reality shows are all we have. They're all the same. Not very inventive writing or acting in my opinion. With the exception of Nip/Tuck (Who-hoo!) and Dirty Jobs I don't watch any american television. (Well except for ESPN but that's sports, it doesn't count) I really enjoy BBC America. I watch quite a few shows there like Wire in the Blood, Touching Evil, The Street, Life on Mars, Rocketman and Ed vs. Spencer. They are so well written. Great acting and the storylines never go where you expect them to. Maybe I should just move there. Who know what shows aren't appearing adn I am missing them. Drat.
So enough of my whining. Check out 89.1 for PHC and BBC America for some great TV.


Jackie said...

I aadmit i love wife swap, but other than that, i stick to movies or fox news. i have to disagree about bbc - man, those guys have no morals!

oops. now who sounds old?

jenn said...

i agree with the radio stuff BUT i like the doctor shows! don't call me thursday at 8pm cuase i'm watching Grey's --okay Jackie, there's a show with no morals!

jenn said...

why is your blog now looking different, did you do that? how? why? i don't like change today...whine whine whine.... i know sorry!