Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Change Your Mind

One of my all time favorite bands is Sister Hazel. Next to Dave Matthews they are right up there. On their "Fortress" CD they have numerous songs that make me happy and can make me think. Now one of these songs has always been a "get in a better mood" kind of song. But, as I listened to it the other day it hit me in a whole new way. It's called "Change Your Mind."

Hey, Hey
Did you ever think
There might be another way?
To just feel better,
Just feel better about today

Oh no-
If you never want to have
To turn and go away,
You might feel better
Might feel better if you stay.

Yeah yeah
I bet you haven't heard a word I've said
Yeah yeah
If you've had enough of all your trying
Just give up
The state of mind you're in:

If you want to be somebody else,
If you're tired of fighting battles with yourself.
If you want to be somebody else
Change your mind, change your mind.

Hey hey-
Have you ever danced in the rain
Or thanked the sun
Just for shining- just for shining
Or the sea?
Oh no! Take it all in
The world's a show,
And yeah, you look much better,
Look much better when you glow.

Yeah yeah
I bet you heard every word I’ve said.
Yeah yeah
If you've had enough of all your trying
Just give up
The state of mind you're in:


Hey hey-
what ya say
We both go and seize the day.
'cause what's your hurry,
what's your hurry anyway?

Yeah yeah
I hope you’ve heard every word I've said
Yeah yeah
If you've had enough of all your tryin'
Just give up
The state of mind you're in:

If you want to be somebody else,
If you're tired of losing battles with yourself
If you want to be somebody else,
Change your mind, change your mind.
Change your mind, change your mind.

Suddenly this song makes so much sense. If you're unhappy, if you're not satisfied, if what you've been doing for 29 years is NOT working, then do something about it. Change. Very simple. When I worked the day shift at the jail a few years ago I became very familiar with withdrawal symptoms of drug users. Heroin, cocaine you name it, I saw someone come down from it. But here is the thing. I am starting to think that maybe we don't give ourselves enough credit for just how powerful we may really be. Just think. We only use about 10% of our brain's capability. 10%. That is just ridiculous. And yet look at what we can do with that 10%. I am also becoming aware in a big way of just how much God works in every aspect of our lives. And he'll never give us more than we can handle. Never. I think that addiction and withdrawals and wahtever else you think you can't get through are really all in your head. If you REALLY want to stop doing what you are doing, then stop. If you truly want to I believe that you can. No matter what physical or emotional pain you may go through, you can make it through. Now there may be times you must ask for help, but that only makes you stronger. Especially when that help comes from God, your church family and your family.
This is why I love music and it has such a profound impact on my life. It always seems to open my eyes to such simple things that I have been missing. So I am trying to change my mind about a lot of things as of late. And I am finding that since I really do want to change, it's not as hard as I always made it out to be.


jenn said...

is that amazing! that you CAN do what ever it is you WANT to do, but you have to WANT it before you CAN do it! I love you so much and am so glad to be a part of who you're trying to be (you know i never realy was a part before) thanks for the opportunity!
i think i'm ready too, to be what i need to be---rejoice when your brother rejoices, cry when they cry and lift them up when they fall, and allow them to lift when i fall! I have to trust that God is leading you and trust Him to lead me too. thanks for your patients. thanks for your honesty, to me, but to yourself too!! luv ya much!

Dana said...

You are incredible. God is rejoicing over you with his singing - no doubt! I am overwhelmed.

Anonymous said...

My sweet Jaime---isn't it great that NO MaTTER what our age is....God is NEVER finished with us yet!!! We are all just works in progress. Will we have set backs??? oh....yea!!!! Life is too cruel to let us ride through easily. Those set backs are what makes us; once we get throught them and are finally able to look back. Then we say WOW God!!! You were there with me all the time and WOW look how great YOU fixed it all. I love you so....much and can't wait till ya start leading singing. Mama Bird