Friday, September 22, 2006
Yay for flickr!
I've been trying to add images to my blogs for what seems like forever. (actually only about 2 weeks, but it seems like forever) I finally figured it out. It's not that hard, I am just an idiot.
I took this picture yesterday while playing around with the digital camera. Now the Ipitch (that's the white one and Todd's ridiculous nickname for it) was my first pitch pipe ever. I bought it at Harmony Marketplace in Salt Lake City at my first International contest ever. The Bb of course quit working about a week after we got home. (Funny thing was that Brent bought his at the same time I did and his Bb quit working at the same time.) The second pitch pipe you see is one of my favorite possessions. It is from Czechoslovakia and was made in 1908. It was given to me by a great friend named Daron Praetzel right before he moved to Ohio. Daron had one that he used all of the time and he collects others. When he moved he gave one to me and one to Todd. It was a bit emotional actually since he was giving his others to his 3 brothers.
Anyway, these represent probably the one thing in this world that makes me really happy. Music (and barbershop of course but that's a given) So I really just wanted to try and get the picture on here and then I figured i'd give a short inadequate description. So there it is.
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Amazing!!!!!!!! I just thought those images were some kind of tools. I could have swore when I saw the big image it had a hammer on it.....Ummmm... must be my bifocal's. So glad you explained, because now I see and wow that is neat. What great memories. I use to keep a box of neat things in it. Neat to me not anyone else. Mostly it was cards, notes, or letters from people that really cared and loved me. When I was down or felt worthless or someone (my X)was trying to convience me how bad I was. I would go through the box and remind myself I DO HAVE WORTH and those that know me best think so also. Always hang on to those great memories;;cuz they will help pull you up by your britches and get ya standing again. I love the images!!! Love, Mama Bird
Sounds like you have great friends who think a lot of you.
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