Tuesday, August 15, 2006


So being carless for the recent past has been not so much fun as you can probably imagine. But, today I got to do something that really makes me happy. I am going to use my grandfather's El Camino. Now granted it is a '78 and it has no air conditioning. And normally I would complain to anyone that would listen that I was hot and it's old. But it just doesn't matter. This was my papaw's car and he loved it. I have a ton of memories asscoiated with this car. I always knew they were there but driving it today brought them all back. It may sound crazy but it was like he was sitting in the passenger seat with me. It's nice right now for something so small that can make me happy. And it's really amazing how those things seem to come along at just the right moments in life. Although I have been angry at God ever since my papaw passed away, now it seems like he's saying something to me. I'm just not sure what it is. I know that I have to come to terms with the whole situation surrounding my papaw's disease and death but I am just not sure how to get to that point. It amazes me that no matter what I do to inadvertently distance myself from Christ, he is always just around the corner waiting for me to come home. And it is incredible that even after his death, my grandfather seems to be leading me closer to God. Just further proof of the man that he was and the man that someday..someday I might just be.

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